The biggest economic decline of the 17th Century

Since starting my RPC course on Western Civilization history, I have learned about things in European history that I didn’t even know happened and events that were incredibly devastating.  The French Wars of Religion and Oliver Cromwell’s tyrannical rule are just a few examples.  However, one event stands out and that is the economic decline... Continue Reading →

The Dutch Revolt

During the 16th Century, when Philip II was King of Spain, he was also governor of the Netherlands.  Unfortunately, he was not very tolerant of any religion other than  Catholicism.  So this made it hard for him to deal peacefully with the Protestants.  While Philip was never actually in the Netherlands, his sister Margaret, Duchess... Continue Reading →

How broken legs created a theologian

During a recent lesson in my Western Civilization course, I had the opportunity to read a small part of Ignatius Loyola's Spiritual Exercises.  First though let me briefly tell you a little bit about this religious man then I will mention what I found about his religious and doctrinal opinions. Ignatius lived in 16th Century Spain.... Continue Reading →

Xavier’s Mission

Do you know who St. Francis Xavier was?  No, you say? Well, then let me tell you about him!  This man was a Spaniard who was one of the founders of the Society of Jesus, or Jesuits.  He was a missionary, and was sent all over Europe and Asia to teach and spread Catholicism.  At... Continue Reading →

The Doors of History…

In this post I finish up with what I learned throughout my history posts. So, what DID I learn? I learned and believe that many people were open to change and reform. This was exemplified in the Renaissance.  Many people took on the humanist ways, philosophies and ideas. The styles of the art, specifically, painting were... Continue Reading →

Circumnavigation of the Earth is Hard!

You know about how Columbus sailed to the "West Indies" and the people he found he called Indians? But he really found the underside of the Americas like the Bahamas and Cuba? Did you know about the man who started the expedition of circumnavigating the earth? This man's name was Ferdinand Magellan, and he was... Continue Reading →

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